. . . I just wanted to thank you . . .

Firstly for your patience as I navigated my first schools event. For all your advice and support. For providing such a fabulous service. For providing such wonderful drivers. For helping us shift the paradigms of, and breaking down some barriers for, over 800 tamariki from across Auckland. The feed back is starting to trickle back and the kids, parents and teachers are raving about everything. Some had never been on a bus before, let alone head into the city or visit the arena. We showed them that not only are they welcome, they belong and they fit right in. They learnt so much about themselves, art, pop culture and music, without them even realising it because they were having so much fun. I so hope I can be in contact soon with another adventure. Big hugs to you all and the Ritchies, Birkenhead Transport, Murphy teams. Suzy Cato
