Ritchies run a large number of school bus services in the Christchurch region, see link above for more details.
For South Island charters in association with our other depots on the West Coast, Timaru, Dunedin and Queenstown, Ritchies have the unique capacity to handle all your local transport needs.
Ritchies provide Public Transport services around Christchurch, for further information and contact details Click Here
For any school bus service schedules or local public transport, please contact your local school or transport authority.
Ritchies Transport Christchurch
Phone: (03) 359 0551
120 Ferry Road, Waltham, Christchurch 8011, Canterbury, New Zealand
Large or small groups, we have the resources, experience and high standards to ensure your special trip goes smoothly and is affordable. To get a price now fill in the form on this page or for more in-depth info go to our Bus Charters page.
Ritchies Transport Christchurch base is centrally located to provide a range of bus services to a high standard throughout the South Island.
Our fleet of locally based vehicles range from vans to luxury coaches doing everything from tour and bus charters to school work and public transport.
Christchurch Public Transport
Christchurch Coach and Bus Charters
Christchurch Airport & Hotel transfers
Christchurch School & Sports transport
Christchurch Tour & Convention Groups
Christchurch Special Needs services
Noel Ryan
Christchurch Depot Manager
Email: chch.depot@ritchies.co.nz
Lost Property
Ritchies Operations & Control
Tel: 03-353 7665
Complaints & Compliments:
Email: chch.training@ritchies.co.nz
Email: chch.charters@ritchies.co.nz
For all Insurance Inquiries or correspondence contact insurance@ritchies.co.nz or phone 027 544 8672 Insurance inquiries to Depots or individuals will not be responded to.